Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 Module IPEX Antenna

Product Introduction

1. Description

HY-42R101 Bluetooth low energy single mode module is a single mode device targeted for low powersensors and accessories.352KB of in-system Programmable Flash256KB of ROM for protocols and library functionsHY-42R101 offers all Bluetooth low energy features: radio, stack, profiles and application space forcustomer applications. The module also provides flexible hardware interfaces to connect sensors.HY-42R101 can be powered directly with a standard 3V coin cell batteries or pair of AAA batteries. inlowest power shutdown mode it consumes only 0.15uA and wil wake up in few microseconds.Bluetooth lC :Tl CC2642R 7*7*1.0mm 48pin 1C


Heart rate sensors



Blood pressure and glucose meters

Weight scales

Key fobs

Households sensors and collector devices

Security tags

Wireless keys (keyless go)

Proximity sensors

HlD keyboards and mice

Indoor GPS broadcasting devices

Product Features


Bluetooth BLE single mode compliant

Supports master,slaveand master/slave modesIntegrated Bluetooth low energy stackGAP, GATT, L2CAP, SMP Bluetooth low energy profilesCompliance: BQB BLE5.1,FCC,IC(Canada),CE ETSI RED,etc.worldwide RF Regulations.Ultra low current consumption :Shutdown. No clocks running, no retention: 150 nA(Typical)Powerful 48-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4F processor

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