Talent Strategy

  • education:Bachelor degree or above
    update time:2023.07.20
    Job responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for algorithm project development;

    2. Plan follow-up, debugging, and technical integration with customers to solve problems that arise during product development and mass production;

    3. Complete the organization and archiving of relevant development documents, output work, and temporary work arranged by superiors.

    Job requirements:

    1. Master's degree or above, majoring in computer science, signal processing, mathematics or related fields, with a deep understanding of digital signal processing and algorithm development, and some practical experience;

    2. Proficient in various sensor debugging and commonly used motion algorithms, proficient in commonly used numerical feature extraction and filtering algorithms, such as bandpass filtering, Kalman filtering, etc. Able to complete algorithm design, development, and parameter debugging work according to requirements;

    3. Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Able to independently search for technical literature and accurately understand English technical literature according to requirements. Able to obtain and implement problem-solving ideas and methods from technical literature;

    4. Solid programming, debugging, and software optimization skills, good programming habits, proficient in programming languages such as MATLAB and C/C++, able to complete the design, validation, and implementation of algorithm models;

    5. Experience in Bluetooth 4.0 development is preferred.

  • education:Bachelor degree or above
    update time:2023.07.20
    Job responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for algorithm project development;

    2. Plan follow-up, debugging, and technical integration with customers to solve problems that arise during product development and mass production;

    3. Complete the organization and archiving of relevant development documents, output work, and temporary work arranged by superiors.

    Job requirements:

    1. Master's degree or above, majoring in computer science, signal processing, mathematics or related fields, with a deep understanding of digital signal processing and algorithm development, and some practical experience;

    2. Proficient in various sensor debugging and commonly used motion algorithms, proficient in commonly used numerical feature extraction and filtering algorithms, such as bandpass filtering, Kalman filtering, etc. Able to complete algorithm design, development, and parameter debugging work according to requirements;

    3. Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Able to independently search for technical literature and accurately understand English technical literature according to requirements. Able to obtain and implement problem-solving ideas and methods from technical literature;

    4. Solid programming, debugging, and software optimization skills, good programming habits, proficient in programming languages such as MATLAB and C/C++, able to complete the design, validation, and implementation of algorithm models;

    5. Experience in Bluetooth 4.0 development is preferred.

  • education:Bachelor degree or above
    update time:2023.07.20
    Job responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for algorithm project development;

    2. Plan follow-up, debugging, and technical integration with customers to solve problems that arise during product development and mass production;

    3. Complete the organization and archiving of relevant development documents, output work, and temporary work arranged by superiors.

    Job requirements:

    1. Master's degree or above, majoring in computer science, signal processing, mathematics or related fields, with a deep understanding of digital signal processing and algorithm development, and some practical experience;

    2. Proficient in various sensor debugging and commonly used motion algorithms, proficient in commonly used numerical feature extraction and filtering algorithms, such as bandpass filtering, Kalman filtering, etc. Able to complete algorithm design, development, and parameter debugging work according to requirements;

    3. Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Able to independently search for technical literature and accurately understand English technical literature according to requirements. Able to obtain and implement problem-solving ideas and methods from technical literature;

    4. Solid programming, debugging, and software optimization skills, good programming habits, proficient in programming languages such as MATLAB and C/C++, able to complete the design, validation, and implementation of algorithm models;

    5. Experience in Bluetooth 4.0 development is preferred.

  • education:Bachelor degree or above
    update time:2023.07.20
    Job responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for algorithm project development;

    2. Plan follow-up, debugging, and technical integration with customers to solve problems that arise during product development and mass production;

    3. Complete the organization and archiving of relevant development documents, output work, and temporary work arranged by superiors.

    Job requirements:

    1. Master's degree or above, majoring in computer science, signal processing, mathematics or related fields, with a deep understanding of digital signal processing and algorithm development, and some practical experience;

    2. Proficient in various sensor debugging and commonly used motion algorithms, proficient in commonly used numerical feature extraction and filtering algorithms, such as bandpass filtering, Kalman filtering, etc. Able to complete algorithm design, development, and parameter debugging work according to requirements;

    3. Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Able to independently search for technical literature and accurately understand English technical literature according to requirements. Able to obtain and implement problem-solving ideas and methods from technical literature;

    4. Solid programming, debugging, and software optimization skills, good programming habits, proficient in programming languages such as MATLAB and C/C++, able to complete the design, validation, and implementation of algorithm models;

    5. Experience in Bluetooth 4.0 development is preferred.

  • education:Bachelor degree or above
    update time:2023.07.20
    Job responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for algorithm project development;

    2. Plan follow-up, debugging, and technical integration with customers to solve problems that arise during product development and mass production;

    3. Complete the organization and archiving of relevant development documents, output work, and temporary work arranged by superiors.

    Job requirements:

    1. Master's degree or above, majoring in computer science, signal processing, mathematics or related fields, with a deep understanding of digital signal processing and algorithm development, and some practical experience;

    2. Proficient in various sensor debugging and commonly used motion algorithms, proficient in commonly used numerical feature extraction and filtering algorithms, such as bandpass filtering, Kalman filtering, etc. Able to complete algorithm design, development, and parameter debugging work according to requirements;

    3. Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Able to independently search for technical literature and accurately understand English technical literature according to requirements. Able to obtain and implement problem-solving ideas and methods from technical literature;

    4. Solid programming, debugging, and software optimization skills, good programming habits, proficient in programming languages such as MATLAB and C/C++, able to complete the design, validation, and implementation of algorithm models;

    5. Experience in Bluetooth 4.0 development is preferred.

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