[Important Update] TTC CC2640 R2 SDK V3.4.0 Upgrade Instructions

Recently, Shengrun Technology has updated the TTC CC2640 R2 SDK.

In order to give our customers a better experience and enjoy the services provided by Sunrun Technology, it is recommended to upgrade the SDK to the latest version (CC2640 R2 SDK V3.4.0) as soon as possible.


Highlights of this SDK update

1. Bluetooth role framework modification

2. Apply some framework modifications

3. Supports four links

4. Add Peripheral + Master role

5. Host role supports linking arbitrary UUID

6. All drivers are independent libraries

7. Improved scanning performance

8. Improve the compatibility of host role connection

Known issues

Broadcast and scan cannot work at the same time, you must turn off one of the features before you can do the other. (The SDK has isolated this issue)

TTC CC2640R2F SDK development kits


TTC CC2640R2 SDK is a rapid development tool provided by our company for TI's CC2640R2F chip development. Designed to make developers no longer need to focus on Bluetooth debugging, just focus on the application development of CC2640R2 chip functions.

The TTC CC2640R2 SDK provides APIs for Bluetooth parameter setting, Bluetooth data transmission and reception, and Bluetooth status processing. It also provides test programs, and developers do not need to design test programs. Using the TTC CC2640R2 SDK can be adapted to the TTC-BLE software provided by our company, which is convenient for debugging data transmission and reception, and supports data encryption and decryption functions, which can greatly shorten the development cycle of the CC2640R2F.

In order to have richer functions and a better experience as soon as possible, we recommend that you contact the relevant business personnel or consult 400-8050-562 as soon as possible to upgrade the SDK. At the same time, thanks to our customers and developers for their unremitting support for Sunrun, Sunrun will continue to optimize its products and provide better solutions for everyone!

Please submit your message online and we will contact you as soon as possible!

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